Coaching through dream analysis
"In each of us there is another whom we do not know. He speaks to us in dreams and tells us how differently he sees us from the way we see ourselves."
- CG Jung
Coaching through dream analysis is a transformative approach that uses the symbolic language of dreams to explore and uncover hidden insights. By analyzing dream imagery, emotions, and recurring themes, individuals can gain deeper self-awareness, resolve inner conflicts, and tap into their creative potential.
This method integrates intuition and self-reflection, empowering clients to access personal truths and navigate everyday challenges with greater clarity and confidence.
Dreams don’t tell us what we already know
What's a dream?
It's a 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle delivered in the morning to your doorsteps in a box. A dream is a message in a picture. In order to see what it's about, one has to put the pieces together. That seems like a lot of work. When analyzed right, a dream may open a new perspective or create new knowledge. It may release the tension too. Because quite often behind each nightmare especially there’s an urgent message we don’t want but need to hear, a precious counsel.
Often there's a certain “logic” in dreamwork. Sometimes dream interpretation can be compared to a work of an investigator who is trying to establish a chain of events and associations, match the actions with corresponding feelings to deduce the meaning. It's a highly intuitive and soul-enriching activity.
What is dream analysis?
Dream analysis is an original, creative and holistic solution which can enrich the palette of self-care tools and help people connect to deeper levels of their personality. Dreams don’t tell us what we already know. They draw our attention to things that escape our field of view. I believe that a punctual confidential one hour online session, say during your lunch break or on weekends, can create an impact and bring attention to an issue or reveal a blind spot in your thinking.
I view dream analysis as a natural extension of my coaching practice. Feel free to get in touch, if you would like to give it a try.
How to work with your dreams

Dream work in person in Paris and online
Yury Li-Toroptsov
I’m a certified professional coach specializing in designing innovative, tailor-made coaching interventions for both institutional clients and individuals worldwide, including in France, where I have lived and worked for the past 25 years. As a life coach I work with clients who actively search for their place in life, to create an impact. Clients who navigate in two or more different worlds at once. They are multicultural, creative, ambitious, expat, fearless, unapologetically different who at times might feel they lost connection to their authentic self.
My business clients include well-known luxury brands, professional associations, CAC 40 companies as well as small neighborhood businesses all striving to develop their talent through coaching.
I am also a professional visual artist. I place a high value on imagination and creativity in everything I do. Engaged in a deep reflection on image and imagination, I operate on a cusp of professional coaching, Jungian psychology and applied arts combining creative expression and systemic Palo Alto approach to deliver results.
My training
Now Jungian analyst-in-training, CG Jung Institute Zurich, Küsnacht, Switzerland
2024 Certificate of Fundamentals of Analytical Psychology, CG Jung Institute Zurich, Küsnacht, Switzerland
2021 Advanced certificate in Coaching, Leadership & Change, ESSEC Business School, Paris, France. Thesis: "Coaching by image, a tool for transforming managerial practices in the era of hybrid work".
2000 MS in Non-Profit Management, New School for Social Research, NY, USA
1997 Diploma in English Philology, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia
Professional organizations
I am a member of the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC France) and abide by its code of ethics.
I am bound by professional secrecy.
My coaching practice benefits from regular supervision.
Languages spoken
English, French, Russian